YP Math Foundation
Mission Statement
The Corporation is organized and operated exclusively for charitable, scientific and educational purposes. The primary goal of the organization is to operate the Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics, which is a summer math program for talented youth founded by David Kelly (the “Program”).
Donate Now
We prefer online donations, but checks (made out to YP Math Foundation) can be sent to the Foundation’s treasurer at:
YP Math Foundation
c/o Adam Litke ‘79, Treasurer
440 West End Avenue, Apt 12B
New York, NY 10024
If you would like to make a donation of securities or have other or donation related queries, you can also reach Adam at 917-653-4017 or adam@ypmathfoundation.org.
YP Math Foundation is a non-member organization run by a self-perpetuating board of directors. The term of a director is one year and renewable. The YP Math Foundation is an Illinois nonprofit corporation and is a public charity exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our Federal Employer Tax ID number is 47-1386604.
Current Board of Directors
Lenore J. Cowen – President
Paul Edelman – Secretary
Adam Litke – Treasurer
David C. Kelly – HCSSiM Founder
Alan Edelman
David Tu
Emily Berger
Ilya Kirnos
Japheth Wood
Jon Roberts
Josh Greene
Rob Lipshutz
Sara Smollett
Founding Board of Directors
Lenore J. Cowen – Director and President
Paul J. Karafiol – Director and Secretary
Ming Jack Po – Director and Treasurer
Address: 4811 S Kenwood Ave, Chicago, Il 60615-2015
Telephone: (510) 969-YP17 || (510) 969-9717
E-mail: ypmf-board@ypmathfoundation.org